Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Swine Flu Day(s).

So I like being a teacher because it's like being a student. When class gets cancelled, I get really excited!

Last week, I had my only two kids out in my Monday 4-5:30 class so I had a free period. I got a ton done in my class room and with my schedules.

Today, my boss caught wind of a local school, ILS, that shut down for two days because of a student with swine flu.

He was terrified... So, he cancelled all of our elementary classes for the afternoon and all classes for Thursday and Friday.

Naturally, we all started looking for flights, to see where we could go for the weekend. However, we soon found out that we are still required to come in and work. Though the sound of this initially made me want to throw a 5-year-old-sized tantrum, I got over it quickly and have gotten very excited about the organization and the work I'm going to be able to get ahead on!

I started teaching my first day at school, so I never really made my classroom, mine. I'm excited to take two days to rearrange, recreate, and reorganize. These two days are going to be amazing.

We don't have to come in tomorrow until ten... so we even get to sleep in!

It's like a snow day, except it's BEAUTIFUL out!!!

Our Halloween party at school is postponed until next Friday, so you'll have to wait for the precious little Snow White costumes.

I'll try to do something fun this weekend so I have something to write about.



  1. ah im so tired of this flu going around... can't quite seem to shake it!

  2. Anonymous30.10.09

    just catching up on your blogs (my computer/modem died and even aunt laura couldn't help me!) just read about you giving up the coke zero--- i tried to give up the pop and found that it was harder than quitting smoking--- honest to God. so good luck and i wish you luck. speaking of thanksgiving---- turkey bingo will not be tha same.
    love, ap
