Monday, November 30, 2009


Grace is back! Grace is back!

I have a CLASS (sort of) again. She's way behind Jasmine, now, but I don't even care!

It's December 1 in Korea! It's all going so quickly!

I have a blog about fashion (I know I've been teasing you), our Thanksgiving party, and pictures from my Twilight movie time in Imae.

My computer's working a bit better now so I'll try to get some pictures up before the end of this week.

Happy December!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Monday, Monday

It's been a while since I've posted... mainly because NOTHING has been going on.

Jasmine came back to school last week, we we've had fun catching up and pretending to understand each other. The one on one time is nice, but if it lasts much longer I'm going to run out of things to do.

On a different, top secret note, I've picked up some Korean friends to hang out with after school. They are families with elementary students that need a little extra English help. Since it's illegal to earn money outside of the job that I got my visa for, I merely do it out of the goodness of my heart. ;-)

Mon-Thurs and every other Friday, I go to these people's homes to help in English and learn something about Korea.

On Saturday, though, the young girl (who had just finished reading Twilight) asked me to come over to her apartment to watch the movie together. I eagerly agreed. We baked Funfetti cookies (thanks Em and Erin), ate noodles and pizza, and enjoyed the film.

I'll post some pictures when I can get my computer to coorperate.

Their mother is a Korean-English translator so she speaks very well and I think she enjoys me coming over to practice her speaking. We seem to get along very well, and it was a great way to spend my Saturday!

Plus, they have an oven and I have been DYING to bake those cookies since I got them in the mail!

Sunday was another Molly day. My computer is on the blink, so it took me the better part of the day to catch up on my TV shows. I didn't shower and stayed in my pajamas allll day!

I have no definate plans for this weekend, but Jack Teacher's friend, Yuko (the one who showed us around Tokyo) is coming in for a visit on Friday. It will be fun to see her again!

Other than that, no news. Until I get my computer fixed, I may be a little slow on adding posts and for that, I am sorry. Please be patient with me.

We have a Thanksgiving party with the kids on Thursday! It should be fun...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Trick or Treat, Smell my Feet.

Well, here it is... almost a full week later!

Our Halloween party got postponed from October 30 to November 6, since we closed the school on 10/29 and 10/30 for Swine Flu avoidance. Our kindergarten Halloween party lasted all day, like the Chuseok party, with a variety of different activities to keep the wee ones entertained. Here's a shot of the five English teachers before the madness began:

From left: John Teacher (nameless costume), Jack Teacher (raccoon), Liz Teacher (clown), Dustin Teacher (backwards - you couldn't tell could you?), Molly Teacher (herself).

During first period, we had a Halloween "parade." We went to the gym to practice "trick or treat" etiquette and protocal. We taught them the song, "Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat." It was hilarious how seriously they took it. Poor little kids. They're so easy to patronize.

We took a group shot to start off the parade! Our numbers are way down since the H1N1 disaster. Vaccinations started yesterday for school children, though, so hopefully the kids start coming back!

Then, we did our parade. Each student had to go up on stage and say their name and their costume. It was too cute.

My name is Gianna and I'm Minnie Mouse.

My name is Kelsey. I am a ghost.

I'm Daniel and Frankenstein.

Hello. My name is James. My costume Batman.

My name is Monica. I am Snow White.

I'm Jina. I'm Cinderella. (Which sounds more like Shinderella!)

I'm Stefany. I'm a wizard. (wijard)

My name is Aisha. I'm... I'm... teacher, what I am? ... I'm a pink fairy. Mommy made.
I gathered her mother made her costume.

My name is Ivy and I am a princess.

My name is Sugar and I am Snow White.

My name is Amy and I'm Belle.
Next, we broke into three groups to carve pumpkins. I worked with Liz Teacher in her classroom. We picked the right pumpkin, apparently, because both of the other two groups opened theirs to find maggots jumping out of them! ewwww.
Here's a picture of the girls using their hands to scrape out the goop inside:

Then, of course, they got bored, so Molly Teacher had to take over!

After lunch, we had arts and crafts time. We made toilet paper roll witches. They were so cute:

The last period, the kids watched a Halloween movie, and one by one went to the "ghost" house. We made a room complete dark and the boys dressed up in scary masks and jumped out at the kids. It was a riot, until the tears started. Daniel was scared of the movie, so he and I played Go Fish while everyone else experienced the Ghost House.
The elementary kids had one of their two periods to go through th ghost house, too. My friend, Anne, sent me a package with these cute little sunglasses for my kids. I gave them to my elementary kids, since I don't have any kindergarteners! They're pretty cool, huh?

From left: Clara (inspired by Dustin Teacher's costume), Daisy, Kei, and Ashley! MWF 2:30-4:00 pm class!
It was a really fun day. Like I said before, I got a package from my Aunt Barbara and Aunt Patty that was STUFFED with candy and chocolate. I shared a lot of it with my kids for Halloween. By 5:30, we teachers were wondering how we ever ate so much candy when we were kids. We were like zombies in a sugar coma.
All in all, it was a fun day! I love Halloween and parties, so it was the perfect combination!
I'm still without kindergarteners. I think they should be back 11/26. Just in time for Thanksgiving! I miss my little girls...

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

빼뺴로 Pepero Day!

Today is Pepero (빼 빼 로) Day!

Pepero is the name of a snack made out of a waifer stick dipped in chocolate and then often rolled around in something else, like crushed almonds or sprinkles.

Here is a photo of some super fancy Pepero I found:

I think Pepero is available in the U.S. Have you ever had them? They are a nice, light, sweet treat. Pepero is the brand name for the snack. Like Nabisco's Oreo or Tissue's Kleenex, Lotte's Pepero now kind of embodies all snacks that are stick-like dipped in chocolate.

Why a whole day? Well, today in America is Veteran's Day. November 11 is written as 11/11. All those ones look like a bunch of sticks (1 1 1 1) so it was named Pepero day. I've noticed that it is very much like Valentine's Day. Traditionally, I'm told, Pepero was given on this day romantically. However, Pepero is now given to anyone that you love, just like giving Valentines or candy to lots of people is commonplace in the U.S.

The sticks are always sold in stores, but lately there have been vendors popping up all over with Pepero gift boxes and special versions of the treat.

According to a story, Pepero Day began in 1994 by a group of middle school girls in Busan, a southeast coastal city in South Korea, who gave the gift of Pepero on 11/11 to each other with wishes to grow as tall and slender as the Pepero.

If you can find some where you are, give the snack a try today. If not, make some at home by dipping pretzel rods in chocolate and rolling them in your favorite topping. Maybe give them to your favorite veteran!

Whatever you do, enjoy your Novemeber 11. It's starting to get a bit colder here. Burrrrrr.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Info Overload.

Unfortunately for you, I'm one of those people that the more I have to do, the more I get done. And the less time I have to do it, the faster I complete it.

I realize I've gone about 8 days without a post, and probably 2 weeks without one worth reading.

I have finally uploaded my pictures at home from the Halloween party, so that will be coming your way soon.

I also am working on this fall fashion blog but am struggling with it. I'm trying to work out the right angle by which to present it. We'll see what I can come up with.

In other news, Liz and I went to Gangnam last weekend to "shop." This is code for "let's look at a few shoe stores before we make a B-line for On the Border for Mexican food." It's good to have friends after your own heart. And for both of us, chips and salsa are the way in.

I did buy a new headband though. It has stickers that say handmade all over it. It could be, the way that it's beaded, but I'm doubting it. I don't have my camera with me... but I'll add a picture as soon as I get home. It's really pretty!

I started November with a pledge to get 5 miles in everyday. I'm good for Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday so far. It's a mile to school, a mile home, and I like to get out at lunch to get one in. I got up this morning before school and walked 3, then walked my one to school, so I'm in like flint for today! My hip hasn't bothered me in a while... I'm nervous to run again (or just avoiding it), so I'll stick to walking for now.

My Sunday was filled with what I like to call a Molly Day. My Aunt Barbara and Aunt Patty sent me a package filled with candy, chocolate, toiletries, and magazines (and a package of tabacco, which is a mystery item of the week)! I took a long walk on Sunday between rainstorms, had lunch by myself at the 5500 and then curled up with my stack of tabloids for the remainder of the afternoon and evening. It was absolutely wonderful.

I've really grown accustomed to living by myself and having a lot of time alone. It's not something I used to like at all. In fact, I would sometimes ask people to study with me just for the body in the room. I would often go find my roommates in our house just to talk to (or at) someone. The solitude is growing on me, though. Thinking too much can get me in trouble, but hanging out with kids all day has made me learn to enjoy the quiet. Or, I'm just getting older... scary!

My sister is coming to visit for Christmas break. She gets here in 40 days and I'm sooooooooooo excited! Then, my friend, Marissa comes 8 days after that! It's going to be an awesome Christmas/New Year's Eve/birthday!

My life at school for the month is pretty funny. I get in at 9:15 am. I teach some of Liz's special classes, like music, arts and crafts, etc. but that only accounts for 1-2 kindergarten periods a day. I still have my regularly scheduled elementary afternoon classes from 2:30-5:30. By the time 2:30 rolls around, though, I've gotten pretty used to doing nothing and it's tough to switch gears. I've been helping some of the teachers with their curriculum, but there isn't enough to do to fill a month!

Speaking of, I should get Dustin's Theme Book done by the end of today...

I'll wrap up Halloween for you tomorrow and get that posted ASAP! Sorry for the delay!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Swine Flu Month?!?!!

It's Monday morning.

I just go to school to find out that neither one of my kindergartners, Jasmine or Grace, will be in today.

Not only that, they're staying home for a whole month to avoid swine flu.

A month!?!?!?!?!? I have no kindergarten students for a month...

I'm so bummed. I wanted to see them in their cute little Snow White outfits. I got them Halloween presents and everything! :-(

This weekend was pretty uneventful. Liz and I went to see The Time Traveler's Wife on Friday night. It was pretty good. Weird, but good.

I guess with all of my extra time, I'll have more than enough time to prepare super cool blog posts for you. In the works: Korean fashion and co-worker bios. Any other ideas?

Let me know.