Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Kicking the Coke Habit - Day one

I decided this morning that a Coke Zero (which replaced my former addiction to Diet Pepsi) every morning was not only unhealthy, but also getting rather expensive. I don't like to be attached to anything... so, today, I decided to quit.

I've had a Diet Pepsi every morning for about 2 years now. It's kind of disgusting when I think about it. On my walk to school today, all three of my regular convenience stores were closed, or out of Coke Zero. I saw it as a sign that today was the day.

It's 2:30 pm and my headache is bigger than my forehead (which is really a fivehead). I'm hoping the headache is only one day long. It's test week again, so I haven't had to do a lot of teaching, which is good.

I popped a couple of Alieve and am hoping for the best. Wish me luck...


  1. I have the same problem with coffee, except i don't intend to kick the habbit anytime soon. ;) i also have a blog, if u wanna read up on my Costa Rica adventure... it was quite the experience, and i would highly recommend it! http://greeneagle20.blogspot.com/

  2. Awesome... I was going to ask. Thanks, Stephen! I'm going to go look right now... the kids are playing on the jungle gym... they'll be safe, right?
