Monday, September 28, 2009


I wish I could say you haven't heard from me in a while because I've had so much amazing things happen that I don't know where to start.

Really, I spent the weekend in bed warding off a cold so I can go to Tokyo this weekend, nothing exciting's going on at school, and I haven't eaten anything new or crazy.

BUT. I am leaving for Tokyo on Saturday. I have big plans for some weird stuff in Seoul on Friday, and have a few other day trips planned for the rest of October. Hopefully I can get back on the blog train.

We've all been so busy with these evaluations that I haven't had a chance to get any co-worker bios together yet. But, that's on the agenda, too!

Time to get showered for school!

More soon...

1 comment:

  1. Steph Freytag29.9.09

    Love the pictures and comments...have to admit that I am quite behind and do not get to read as often as I'd like. Glad things are going well. Miss and love you~
