Saturday, December 5, 2009

Giving Thanks

Jasmine was my only kid for about two weeks. On Thanksgiving Day, I brought my camera, and decided it was a good day to have a photo shoot with my only child.

Happy faces.

Sad faces.

Goofy faces.

Our first period "Thanksgiving" class was making candy turkeys. Here's Jasmine with her ingredients. She's ready to get started!

From left to right: Belle, Michelle, Jina, Amy and Sarah and their essembled turkeys.

Evan with his turkey! Yummy peanut butter!

Kate with her turkey!

Then, we taught the kids the Polka. Why? Your guess is as good as mine.

Lunch was fried chicken, spaghetti, egg salad sandwiches, and "cho-bap" (like a cold eggroll stuffed with rice).

After lunch, Jasmine asked me what we were doing next. Very sarcastically, I said, "We're painting Chinese lanterns. That makes sense, of course, because we are celebrating an American holiday in Korea. Why wouldn't we paint Chinese lanterns?" I was speaking very swiftly and she just looked at me with this blank face and said, "WHAT?!?!?!?" It was the perfect response, but I don't actually think she understood me.
Jasmine's sister, Olivia, joined us for some fun! They're sooo cute, right?

It worked out for my waistline to miss Thanksgiving altogether. Our boss really wanted to show other cultures, too. So we did some polka and lanterns. The one thing I'm learning here is that you just have to go with the flow. Very rarely do things make sense, but when there are kids involved, it's always going to be fun and cute, so who cares?
Hope your Thanksgiving had a lot more stuffing!

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