Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Christmas Miracles

In light of the holiday that is ever-so-quickly approaching, I thought I would share with you one of life's little miracles that I get to experience daily.

Teaching children sure has its challenges, and teaching children with no standards or rules except "keep the parents happy so they keep paying tuition," REALLY has its challenges. However, watching the learning process unfold is absolutely fascinating. I love seeing the little lightbulbs above their heads as a new idea or concept finally makes sense. This happens a lot more with Jasmine. Grace, well, if she can't figure something out she'll say, "Teacher, head down?" To which I must oblidge as Grace's mommy said sometimes she gets tired and needs a break.

Last Tuesday, Grace was sick. I happened to have my camera with me and managed to capture a "lightbulb moment" for Jasmine. This isn't so much a concept "lightbulb" as it is a memory click, but it was fun to watch, nonetheless.

Every morning, the class leader gets to write the date on the board. Last week we were focusing on where the commas go when writing "Tuesday, December 8, 2009." She picked it up pretty quickly. Here's her process on Tuesday:
Checking the spelling of December, and realizes she's missing something.

Thinking, thinking, thinking...

Ah ha! Teacher said 2 commas. One after day, one after number.

My girls are also working on their performance of "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" for the Christmas party next week. It is probably one of the cutest things I've even seen. I'll be sure to get a video and figure out how to post it on here.

Bear's here in a week! WooHOO!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous19.12.09

    rowan--- teaching is definitely your calling and you are absolutely wonderful at it. i will miss you at christmas. have a great time with karen and know that i will be thinking of you both!------------love, ap
