Thursday, August 12, 2010

Elephants! (Malaysia Day 2)

On Monday, August 2, we booked a a private tour to go to Kuala Gandah Elephant Sanctuary. It's in another state, Pahang, and took us about 1.5 hours to get there by car. Our driver, Tan, picked us up at our hostel early so we had time to go to this pewter factory first:

We got to try to make patterns in the pewter.

After the tour, we bought stuff we couldn't afford in the gift shop, and then took photos with the largest pewter beer mug in the world!

After the factory, we took the long way to Kuala Gandah through the jungle highway. About 30 minutes into our drive we saw a group of monkeys just hanging out on the side of the road. Monkeys!

Then Tan stopped the car so we could take photos of the beautiful Malaysian jungle.

When we arrived at the Elephant Sanctuary, we watched a short film that detailed how they successfully rescued wild endangered elephants from the forest and brought them to the sanctuary. It involved a lot of tranquilizing and chains. Then, we got to feed the baby elephants some peanuts!

Then we had a photo op with the adult elephants and fed them some fruit.

THEN! We got to ride the elephants bare back! It was so much fun until I got bit by a giant horsefly on my shin. Ouch! Joe wanted to ride alone so the three of us rode together!

Then we rode the elephant in the river. Six people on one elephant!

But, that silly elephant played a trick on us!

But we survived, just got a little wet!

After, we showered and made our way back to the car for our ride home.
Other highlights of the day include a python around my neck, petting a sloth bear, using a blow pipe to shoot a balloon and feeding wild deer. All of these things are on my other camera, though, so you will have to wait!

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