Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Tiger's Last Day. Edit: My Favorite Class as I Know It's Last Day

On Wednesday, June 30, Tiger, a student in my FAVORITE elementary class came in and said that today would be his last day. I was in shock because this class had followed out supervisor, Irene, from school to school that she was supervisor for from the time that they started school at Korean age 5 (3-4). They were more like siblings to each other with all of the time they've had to spend together.

After we finished up our tests, we all took lots of pictures with Tiger and said our good-byes.

Fortunately, the next day (Thursday), I had planned a pizza/snack party with the kids. I asked Irene if it was okay if Tiger came back for one day for the party (students pay monthly fees and the next day would be July 1). She said it was fine, so I wrote Tiger's mom a note hoping she would let him. This would give me at least 24 hours to write him a letter and gear up for the first of my many good-byes.

Both Tiger and Tiger's sister, Gina, came to the party! Elvis's little brother, Evan (also a kindergartener) came, too. We had a blast!

So little did I know, though, that our new school, ICS, pulled the plug on a math class that Lina, Sophia, Elvis and Jackson were planning on taking starting Monday. They cut their English class from 4 days/week to 3 to make time for this math class, and then it didn't happen. This was the last straw for Lina's and Jackson's moms who were fed up with the new owner.

Come Monday Lina and Jackson were also finished and not returning. I was down to Elvis and Sophia in that class and the reality of going home was starting to sink in. I am going to have to say good-bye to a lot of little boogers. :-(

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