Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Field Trip!

On Wednesday, June 23, we boarded busses with our kinder kids for our June field trip! This field trip took us to Lotte Cinema in Yongin. It was about a 20 minute drive. The kids get so excited about field trips, and the teachers get even more excited. It's such a nice break from cramming English down their throats.

Here's my Joshua all ready to go:

I weasled my way into sitting by him on the bus, too. I only have so much time to snuggle the booger, you know? So, we pretended to be monkeys.

At the cinema, we were given a "behind the scenes (literally)" tour of how films are shown on screen in theatres. I guess it never really occurred to me that, in 2010, films are still shown in theatres using, well, film. Each kid got to go up and peak through the window into the theatre below so that they could make the connection.

The large moving disc to the right was winding the film through the projector. Actually, I might be making this up. The whole tour was given in Korean. The children were enthralled. We were lost. But, that's what it looked like was happening!

They hung on every word. I couldn't understand so I tried to get artistic cool pictures through what I called the film reel. Epic fail.

After the tour, each child was handed a movie ticket to see "How to Train a Dragon." At the door, they presented Spiderman with their ticket and then proceeded to the theatre. In the theatre, they had booster seats on all of the chairs our kids would be sitting on. It was precious.

The movie was dubbed in Korean, so I tried my best to follow but really just took a nap.

After the show we got a group picture:

Then, we got all the kids back on the bus. At this point, we were 1.5 hours past normal lunch time and we were cranky! It was the longest 20 minutes of my life, but when we got back to school we immediately opened all of their packed lunches and chowed and kimbap, fruit, and juice.

On Wednesdays, the new merged school, ICS (International Christian School), offers ballet classes to the kindergarten students after school. This particular Wednesday was rainy, so the girls all had rainboots on.

Watching them walk to the new school in their tutus and rainboots was absolutely hilarious! Here's Alice in her gettup:

P... R... E... C... I... O... U... S...!

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