Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Monkey Forest

After our rice paddie journey, Amanda and Joe bargained with a driver to get a ride back to Kuta later that afternoon. Then, we found this gorgeous little restaurant that was set along a stream in what appeared to be a more residential part of town.

All of the seating was very island-y. Bali = paradise.

There was, however, a caged rooster right near our table that was crowing even though it wasn't dawn. Other than that, it was one of my top ten favorite dining experiences. Maybe even top 5. I ordered some gado-gado, which I had seen on many menus but had yet to try. It was a dish of mixed veggies served with a peanut sauce. It was soooooo good!

Because everything is so cheap, and I'm kind of obsessed with food, I also ordered a dish called "rice with pumpkin." The pumpkins around here are green, and taste more like zucchini (very squash-y) then the sweet(ish) orange pumpkin we eat in the states. It was pan fried with onions in coconut oil and served with rice. It was amazing.

After lunch, Amanda and Joe made their way back to the airport and Caroline, Jody and I walked down to the Monkey Forest. Before even enterring, we saw this guy. Just eating some leftovers...

There were MONKEYS EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!
Mama monkeys with their babies...

monkeys doing monkey things, like picking each other's butts...

This monkey hissed at me and bared his teeth when I got to close (don't mess with monkeys and their bananas)...

There were even monkeys having family reunions!

It was CRAZY!! There were no cages, and no tour guides. Just a bunch of people, and a bunch of monkeys, hanging out in a forest. I love Asia.

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